Probono week - April 6 to April 10, 2020

The COVID-19 Pandemic and the amendments to the CSR laws have brought a lot of uncertainty to the social sector in India. In this time of uncertainty, AuxoHub attempted to help the social sector to tide through by providing a range of services to small- and mid-sized NGOs for free. The Pro Bono week was organised by AuxoHub for NGOs across the country to network and reach out for funding, finances and other necessary services. Some of the services that AuxoHub provided during the Probono week includes:

Impact stories – Documenting impact stories into valuable assets for the NGOs
Brochure – Creating and designing unique brochures that help NGOs to reach out to the larger community
Slide deck – Creating and designing slide deck that help NGOs pitch to funding and partner organizations
Social media material – Creating content for social media campaigns
Website content – Revamping and redeveloping website for NGOs.

The Pro Bono week helped NGOs to focus internally and dedicate time for their organisational functions while they were busy serving the larger community during times of peak uncertainty due to the pandemic. AuxoHub ensured that the NGOs functioned in full swing at the front while assisting them at the back end by providing these essential services free of cost.”