About our company

About AuxoHub

At the core of our work is an effort to promote accountability and create organisational memory among our clients. Every project is rooted in the belief that clarity of communication and enabling each stakeholder’s strengths is key to maximising social impact.


  1. To enable social sector actors to achieve maximum potential by providing support structures and services


  1. Assisting NGOs in documentation, assessments and impact measurement to increase accountability and organisational memory
  2. Enabling more effective CSR by verifying potential beneficiaries, monitoring and reporting on behalf of corporates
  3. Undertaking research and large-scale documentation processes to catalyse knowledge creation in social sector


  • Collaborate
    Collaborate We believe that the most impact comes from funders, recipients and consultants working together.
  • Commit
    CommitWe ensure that our clients’ best interests are at the heart of all our work.
  • Communicate
    Communicate We prioritise regular interaction through transparent channels of communication.
  • care
    Care We are committed to maximising our clients’ onground impact.


We believe that knowledge and conversations should be accessible to all stakeholders.

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Documentation & Collateral Creation

We recognise that the heart of grassroot organisations lies in changemaking and on-ground interventions.

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Funder-Driven projects

We believe that most effective change is possible only if funders and beneficiaries work together.

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Research & Assessments

We work with our clients to synthesise on ground learnings and organisational knowledge in the form of research and assessments.

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We provide translations and interpretation services to make knowledge accessible to all.

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We identify deserving CSR beneficiaries and work with NGOs to strengthen internal systems.

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Assessments and Evaluations

We work with funders and beneficiaries to conduct needs assessments, project monitoring, evaluations, and impact assessments.

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Content Creation

We create collateral including pitch decks, websites, social media material, impact stories and brochures.

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We undertake sector-specific as well as thematic research projects for clients from data collection to report compilation.

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Case Studies

Our Projects

Community needs assessment of e-learning in government schools

The Rotary Club of Chennai Presidency was looking forward to expanding the number of smart classrooms in schools in and around Chennai

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Community needs assessment of Sristi Village

Sristi Village is a self-sustaining village which provides education and livelihood opportunities to boys with intellectual disabilities.

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Process Documentation for Bhuvana Foundation

Bhuvana Foundation seeks to enhance the wellbeing of tribal and underprivileged communities through Vidya Vanam

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Impact Assessment of AID India’s Walk ‘n’ Talk program

AID India is a Chennai-based NGO that seeks to empower communities across the state. By working with the child at the centre

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Rapporteuring & event documentation for PLD

PLD is a legal resource group pursuing the realisation of social justice and equality for women.

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Revamping website for ANEW

ANEW – Website Revamp Association of Non Traditional Employment for Women is an organisation

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